Monday, August 20, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Today marks the 1st day of my very-short-1-week-only-yang-tak-cukup-langsung holiday. I arrived back in my hometown yesterday morning and I’m so glad to see everyone so healthy. It always feels so good to be home.

But holidays always make blogging a harder chore to do. When I’m on holiday mode, my mind tends to go on idle mode. I feel so lazy all day long, and the days are so quiet and serene, there’s hardly anything blogworthy even. Holidays in my hometown are just meant for sitting back and taking a break from the hectic life in the big city. Everything is so laid back here.

So umm….i shall just report what I observed at home upon my arrival.

Nenek had a minor minor surgery on her foot. There’s this sty(?) that has been growing on her sole for quite some time and lately its been hurting her everytime she walks. So she surgically removed it. Her foot needed to be stitched so she’s kinda limping a little now. But she can still whack Maya with her custom made rolled newspaper at her regular lightning speed and scream at her at her usual thunder voice. So yeah…obviously she’s healthy. Nothing to worry about. J

Nenek very angry at me yesterday also. See, I bought this TVB drama series for her during my last trip so she could watch at home and not be so bored. Little did I know that she did not watch it and saved the DVDs until I came home so she could watch with me. So sweet kan? So I promised I watched with her if she finishes her rice during lunch. Like jaga my anak ayam in school pulak. She kept her word and did finish her meal but after lunch…….I fell asleep on the sofa. Ha ha ha ha!!

I woke up to the sight of her darkened face as she was sitting right in front of me. She was staring at me straight in the eyes with narrowed eyebrows…

Nenek: You said you will watch DVD wif me….sleep pulak!

Me: ……ooops….ok ok we watch now.

Nenek: Dowan! Now 6.30 already Wah Loi Toi got my show you dun kacau me anymore.

Merajuk pulak that girl….so I kuai kuai sit wif her and strike little conversations to make it up lor. Today, Nenek left to stay at my aunty’s place who lives just nearby. So before my aunty arrived, I manage to watch 1 episode wif her. And again, she grazed my guilt once more.

Statement meletopz: “See lah, now can watch 1 episode only. If you never sleep yesterday we could have watched the whole disc already!”

Mak sentttap!!

Also, mom found out bout my hidden tattoo already. She smelled a rat when I turned down all my favorite dishes that she made for me. All those dishes happened to be seafood and eggs….as delicious as it looks, (mom is a fantastic cook, I kid you not) no way I can touch that…dun wanna risk ruining my tattoo and suffering another touch up session man!

Later at night, she popped into my room just to see if I was surfing porn sleeping. I was so engrossed in checking my mails so much so I din realize she was standing behind me. And pooop!

Mom: Aiiiiiya……you make another tattoo!!

Me: Err err err…..

Mom: (tugs on my collar and looks further) So big some more! How much you do??

Me: ………Rm70. (what you want me to tell her the real price and let her faint izzit? Siau ah! )

Mom: Why you do all this thing….your girlfren ask you to do izzit??

Sempat lagi.

Me: I got no girl fren and I decided this on my own ok. Not nice meh???? See, so nice!

Mom: Dun waste money like that next time lah. Last one already ah. No more! Tomorrow I make fish soup for you…can heal the skin faster.

And with that she left the room. And later on I came to find out that she helped me keep the secret. The next day when I woke up, Dad and Nenek din suspect anything at all. See, this is one thing that I love about my mom.

Whenever I’m in some sort of trouble, she would avoid telling my dad lest he reaches for the cane. Whenever I got low grades in school, mom would sign my report card quietly without telling my father. Of course she would give her own advice with that but she always made sure I dun get caned by my father. My dad’s caning is more painful that doing tattoo ok….you dun play play I tell you.

And apparently I’m still her little girl boy until now. Not that I’m afraid to let my dad know of the tattoo now ( I’m sure he’ll take it fine) but the fact that my mom still protects me the same way when I was a kid sure amused me. On the contrary, she even made lighter dishes to ensure my tattoo heals faster. Heh heh.

Mothers will always be mothers.


Jonzz said...

You sure do have a nice relationship with your mum and grandma.

Anonymous said...

u r a lucky soul

rainbow angeles said...

Awwwww... so schweeet... I also feel like want to peluk mak punye mak... heheh...

Happy HORNIdays!

Anonymous said...

Awww... That is so sweet of ur mom. Grateful la bik, you have these amazing women around you.

Ganymede said...

Wah soo sweet one your mother.

savante said...

Hope the fish soup works for ya!

the homework eating cat said...

tattoo where? besar mana? i pun nak

Lau Niang said...

Jonzz: Tai ka lui yan of coz good relationship lah. Ha ha ha !!

bengebng: I sure am. Benghui is lucky to have daddy like you also. Ha ha ha!

Angel: Apalah....i no hubby now what to horni..horli-day jer. No bedroom stories. Ha ha ha!

laukmasin: Eh i amazing woman also what...not meh?

queer ranter: She sure is!

savante: Fish soup kena postpone. Dad craving for chicken soup pandai pandai he make one big pot himself. Grrr!!

u-jean: Hah....itulah tak buat homework! I posted 2 posts bout my tattoo oledi lah senah...countless pics some more. Go check my archive lah....not too long ago only. Last month i think.

Anonymous said...

anybody else looking for a daddy? :)

Anonymous said...


ko tak tipu kata temporary ke? ;)

hmm, always nice to hear abt nenek and your mum. must be good grandson and rub her feet everyday now. ;)

::airswift:: said...

yeah.. dont we all love our mommies.

KopiSoh said...

i wan tattoo for long time liao, can show pigcher kah? Where did you go? Was it an original design?

Aziya said...

huu... mama always know how to keep secret... same like my mama also.. but sometimes she (Captain) like to be tukang report kat Commandant (Dad)

nyonyapenang said...

she will always be your mom and you will always be her little boy-boy.:)

Lau Niang said...

bengbeng: Wah if you wanna offer here i'm sure got many takers. Ha ha ha ha!!

lyana: Temporary??! U think mom's gonna buy that? A least she believed when i tell her it cost Rm70 lah. Ha ha ha!

airswift: We suuuuree do! Haha ha!

firehorse: Aiyo...itulah you been away so long, miss out so much kiau. I did post MANY pictures of my tattoo in a previous post. Go look it up lah.

aziya: Hmm...then my mama lebih berbakat keep secret. But actually my dad sudah tau pun. Tak kisah pun. Ha ha ha ha!

nyonyapenang: Little boy boy with hot tattoos. Ha ha ha!

the homework eating cat said...
